
旁观者干预 Trainers teach their peers about the importance of speaking out and standing up to prevent sexual violence from occuring. They are part of a social movement that seeks to create a change in campus culture, and form a community of people who refuse to stand by in the face of violence. 继续阅读以了解更多电子游戏软件团队的信息!




Erin is a senior from Newtown, CT majoring in International Studies with a minor in Hispanic Studies. 艾琳大三的时候是在厄瓜多尔度过的, honing in on her Spanish skills and exploring the beautiful nature and culture Ecuador has to offer. 热衷于预防性暴力, she has been a Bystander Trainer since sophomore year and has loved giving presentations to first-year students and having insightful discussions on how to make BC's campus safe for all! 艾琳也是新倡议“免费,句号”的一员. which stocks various bathrooms on campus with free menstrual products to bring awareness to period poverty, 让女性卫生用品触手可及, 并与月经的耻辱作斗争. 在她空闲的时候, Erin loves to spend time getting outside and being active. You can find her running around the reservoir, rock climbing at the plex, and at spin class!



Sam is from Los Angeles, California - which means she thrives in the sunshine and near an ocean. She is double majoring in Finance and Philosophy, with a minor in Applied Psychology & 人类发展. She’s been a trainer since her sophomore year and is excited to work on the 领导团队 to continue empowering students and growing the Bystander community. She is passionate about supporting survivors and preventing sexual violence. 在校园, Sam is a Peer Wellness Coach at the Center for Student Wellness where she holds one-on-one sessions to help students create and meet goals around their mind, body, 和灵魂. She loves this job where she can work with students on their mental health. 在她空闲的时候, 萨姆喜欢和朋友在一起, 尝试新的餐馆和食物, 锻炼, 阅读, 烹饪, 尝试新的咖啡店.

 莉莉·耶格尔,CSON ' 24


莉莉在奥斯汀出生和长大, 但最近搬到了查塔姆, 马萨诸塞州和她的父母. She is a true Texan at heart and loves all things Tex-Mex (aka queso and burritos)and 90 degree heat. She is a nursing major at 电子游戏软件 and is passionate aboutreproductive health, 妇女的健康, 肿瘤护理, 支持性暴力幸存者,帮助服务不足的人群. She is excited to work at the 女性中心 in the hopesof better understanding the intersection of sexual violence and nursing care.

除了护士和妇女中心, 礼来参与了4Boston, a volunteer programwhere she has had the privilege of tutoring a young girl for three years now. 这upcomingyear, Lilly will be a 4Boston leader where she is responsible for leading a small group reflectionconsisting of fellow 电子游戏软件 students. Lilly is also a First-Year Nursing Seminar Leadwhere she leads a weekly class for freshman nursing students to help aid in their transition to电子游戏软件 and the field of nursing. 莉莉从大一开始就参加了阿柏, a service-immersion program that consists of biweekly meetings to learn about socialinjustices around the world and then a service trip to the Appalachian region over spring break.Lilly is excited to be an Appa leader this upcoming year where she will lead her own small groupto the Appalachian region to engage in service among community members. 最后, Lilly hasbeen a 旁观者干预 Advocate since her sophomore year where she has helpedorganize campus wide activities around the topics of sexual violence and healing and is lookingforward to continuing that work this year.

在她空闲的时候, 莉莉喜欢跑步。, 和她的朋友去散步, 和她父母出去玩, 尝试新的(和旧的)咖啡店, 自驾游, 读一本好书, 吃美味的食物!

Anshika Agrawal, CSOM ' 25

Anshika Agrawal

Anshika来自印度古吉拉特邦的一个小城市苏拉特. 她是金融与信息系统专业的大三学生, 辅修社会影响和公共利益管理. She was 旁观者培训师 last year and will be returning this year. It was an awesome time working with the lead team during bystander and she is thrilled to be working with more women's center folks and developing great connections! She is also involved with the AHANA Management Academy on campus and is interested in advocating for equality at workplaces for AHANA+ members. Anshika is also passionate about cultivating ESG goals and measures in the corporate ecosystem and wants to pursue a career in the field to help companies achieve balance. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢跳舞,去年参加了MASTI, 她喜欢节俭。, 尝试新的咖啡馆(阅读:咖啡成瘾者). 

伊丽莎白·安德森,MCAS 25届毕业生


伊丽莎白来自西雅图, 这段经历培养了她对徒步旅行的热爱, 滑雪, 穿着雪鞋走, 以及其他户外活动. She is majoring in Sociology with a double minor in Hispanic Studies and History. She joined the 女性中心 because she wants to cultivate a more inclusive and empowering space for students of all identities at 电子游戏软件. 伊丽莎白热衷于为边缘化群体争取权益, especially as it pertains to immigrants and survivors of sexual violence. 在未来, 伊丽莎白希望成为一名移民律师, 特别代表说西班牙语的人. 她对从内部改革司法系统很感兴趣, 确保所有人都得到正当程序和公平的代表. 
校园, Elizabeth is a member of the Mock Trial Team and is Assistant Director of the Signature 事件 department of the Campus Activities Board. 她也是旁观者干预的培训师. 在校外,伊丽莎白是公民计划的志愿者. 当她不在教室或巴普斯特图书馆的时候, 你会发现伊丽莎白在健身, 打校内排球, 或者和朋友出去玩. Elizabeth is so thankful to be part of the 女性中心 staff and to be surrounded by such incredible people!




Emme is from Kansas City, MO and is majoring in Political Science and 全球 Health. She is extremely grateful to join the 女性中心 and cultivate new friendships while giving back to her community! Emme was first introduced to the 女性中心 through her open-mic performances at WC events and growing passion and determination to make a mark during her time at 电子游戏软件. She is interested in gender equality efforts, public health policy, and 妇女的健康. 在校园, 埃米是一名电子游戏正规平台助理, 旁观者培训师, 也是宿舍协会的成员. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢尝试新食物, 打网球, 与朋友共度时光, 蜷缩着看一本好书! 



  • 安娜Campanico
  • 凯特Foshee
  • Genna郭金
  • 切尔西格林伯格
  • 希望凯利
  • 卡莉Lefebvre
  • 索非亚Limperis
  • 艾迪Metzger
  • 克洛伊米勒
  • 奥黛丽Morken
  • 艾琳Sudbey 
  • 将沃森
  • 莉莉耶格尔
  • 萨曼莎叶
  • 茉莉花张


  • Anshika Agrawal
  • 伊丽莎白安德森
  • Neave安德森
  • 奥斯汀Ginocchio
  • 佩奇Graziano
  • 索菲娅格里高利
  • 将Heycke
  • 安娜兔子
  • Dilan Luhana
  • 艾玛麦肯齐
  • 卡洛琳Macneill
  • 玛丽麦肯纳
  • 恩典McShefferty
  • 我迈耶斯
  • 玛丽亚Parsekhian
  • 阿什利Polimens
  • 凯利Schomber
  • 朱丽叶Silahian
  • 哈利Stayer-Suprick
  • 凯蒂飞鱼座


  • 卡洛琳安
  • 艾莉阿特金斯
  • 卡桑德拉Baessler 
  • 摩根爱丽莎
  • 玛迪玩滚球的人
  • 瑞恩•坎贝尔
  • 次仁Choedhar
  • 阿比盖尔Connon
  • 肯尼迪剔除 
  • 海洋Degryse
  • 戴西摩纳Skyla 
  • 卡洛琳做的
  • 伊莎贝拉Eagan 
  • 曼西佳
  • 梅里德格林
  • 董事长Tia Guay
  • 克莱尔鲁如坤等
  • Fairuz萨利赫
  • 克莱尔·斯特拉
  • 克莱尔摩根
  • 艾莉沙利文
  • 苏菲Vitrouk
  • 玛歌Yannacci
  • 莉娜曾