Photo: Lee Pellegrini

Augustin P. Rac | Carroll School of Management

Hometown: Worcester, Mass.
Majors: Marketing; concentration in marketing and management leadership

Notable Activities/Achievements: Founder of New Generation Digital Marketing Agency; Early College Program mentor, Worcester State University; PULSE volunteer at Action for Boston Community Development; facility supervisor, Margot Connell Recreation Center; participant in case competitions organized by the Real Estate Club and the Corcoran Center for Real Estate and Urban Action.

Post-Graduation Plans: Area manager,, Syracuse, N.Y.; M.B.A. or graduate studies.

More: A Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Dell Scholar, 2013年,拉克开始了他的电子游戏软件学位之旅, 当时,17岁的他和大约12名移民一起离开危地马拉的家乡前往美国. Near the U.S.在美墨边境,拉克被移民当局发现,并被安置在一个拘留中心. 后来他被送到伍斯特的一个寄养家庭, 谁帮助他完成了他的高中学位. In addition to working part-time, launching his own business, 并在大学期间与社区组织合作, Rac完成了公民身份的要求,成为了一名美国公民.S. citizen last November.

What was it like to be sworn in as a U.S. citizen?

It was emotional. Becoming an American citizen is not easy; it is a privilege. 我回顾我的旅程,我想“这太疯狂了.“我很高兴我所取得的一切成就,来到电子游戏软件,即将毕业. There are a lot of blessings. God has opened the door for me. Everything is up to God.


我独自离开祖国,寻求更好的生活.  不幸的是,广阔的沙漠景观使我们迷失了方向. 我们走了三天三夜,只带了很少的水, trying to arrive in the United States. After being found by border patrol, as a minor, I was eligible to seek asylum, 最后被马萨诸塞州的阿斯森特里亚护理联盟寄养. 我有很多来自波多黎各的家人支持我.S. family, the Encarnacion-Rivera household. 他们真的相信我,接受我,我的文化和我的一切,推动我走向成功. 尽管我得到了很多机会, it was never easy as a young, brown, indigenous immigrant. 这就是为什么我如此感激我在伍斯特的家人, 还有我在危地马拉的家人,他们帮助我走过了这条路.


Many faculty have helped me. 我的Portico教授(实践助理教授)迈克尔·史密斯是一个很棒的人. 他教我们的方式影响了我的整个人生. [西娅·鲍曼AHANA和跨文化中心主任]Fr. Michael Davidson, S.J., is someone you can always talk to. 我要感谢Juan Montes,我的导师. 他来自智利,我们能够交流,我会和他分享我的故事. I enjoyed his class and the way he teaches. 我也经常去找CSOM职业办公室的杰西卡·哈特利. 她帮我找实习机会,帮我写求职信,帮我做任何与我的职业有关的事情. She has been so helpful.

My time here has been challenging, 是什么让我以毕业为最终目标,通过努力和坚持,获得了许多技能. 我在危地马拉的生活并没有给我提供现在在这里的学习机会. 这就是我在卡罗尔学校取得成功的动力. 我用我过去所有的挣扎来激励我前进.


参加PULSE对我的生活产生了很大的影响. 它为许多低收入和代表性不足的居民服务. 我来自危地马拉这样的贫穷国家,我能理解. I can see the pain. I like to help people. 你很难不拥有你想要的东西,因为你所经历的环境限制了你的机会. 作为人类,为了能够生存,我们需要互相帮助. 如果你在某件事上取得了成功,你就必须沿途帮助别人. That is the way I carry myself in life now. I feel like I got that from PULSE. It feels good to help people. 它让我从帮助他人的角度来思考我的生活.

Tell us about the company you created.

新一代数字营销机构是我因为疫情回到伍斯特的家后创办的一项副业. 我创办了一家公司,专注于为餐馆等小企业提供社交媒体营销. 我在Instagram和Facebook上通过图片和帖子帮助推广企业. 我在伍斯特州立大学担任社交媒体顾问/经理,负责一个名为Protegete Latino Encontra del Coronavirus的COVID-19项目. I developed ideas, 并在社交媒体上创建和发布内容,创建一个项目,向服务不足的社区发布有关COVID的信息. I promoted it and got it to a certain level. The program is still going on right now.

What will you miss most about Boston College?

我会想念我的朋友和美丽的电子游戏软件校园. 我是一个喜欢社交的人,我喜欢和我的朋友出去玩. 我觉得我们都能对彼此坦诚相待. Everybody is going to different places now. 但我们将来还能见面. 你的经历塑造了你作为一个人,你从不同的人那里学习. They learn from you, you learn from them. It is a learning community here.

The distance—physical, intellectual, 精神上——你过去八年的旅行似乎很了不起. How do you look at that journey?

It has been a crazy journey. But I am here. I am alive. That is what I am grateful for. 我相信上帝指引了我,保护了我,因为他,我现在在这里. 我们将在将来看到他为我预备了什么.

Ed Hayward |大学传播| 2021年5月
